Blake Starr vs. John Wolfboy
Blake Starr (5'11", 160 lbs, Florida)
John Wolfboy (5'7", 135 lbs, Pennsylvania)
Total Run-time: 21 minutes, 45 seconds
Anybody who has seen the individual work of Blake Starr and John Wolfboy will be able to acknowledge what a perfect pairing this is! Both men are long, lean, tall, tones, fast, aggressive, and dead sexy. Blake Starr shows off his skills in a pair of miniscule American flag speedos, demonstrating pushups and agility. John Wolfboy pivots and stretches with calm focus, demonstrating us amusing facial expressions as he surveys the space once again. Both of these guys are outstanding grapplers. This is gonna be good!
NHBFights is a straightforward competitive zone. But something about the similarities between these two guys inspires a little tension as they close in on each other. You can just feel it. Blake pulls John into an attempted headlock, only to find himself headlocked and pulled down. Smiling faces turn to grimaces as Blake mounts John and wraps his legs around him with ease. John resists, struggles, and even manages to break away.
Blake and John struggle for position, with John pushing at the back of Blake’s bead. Blake pay him back quickly for this by getting him in a schoolboy pin. It’s a lot of dancing and feeling one another out, but soon enough these dudes are rolling, raging, and tapping out hard with a final pathetic score of 10 to 0!