Ethan Andrews vs. Austin Adonis
Ethan Andrews (5'11", 170 lbs, Wisconsin)
Austin Adonis (6'0", 225 lbs, Connecticut)
Austin Adonis looks like he should be tackling guys on the football field with that thick musclegut and those powerful legs. Ethan Andrews is master of the NHB scene with skill and experience under his belt. This ought to be a sweet matchup between two boss beasts! They’re even close in height.
Austin has a tendency to dance around in order to get the feel of his opponents, but Ethan has the solution for that: climb on your opponent’s back, wrap your legs around him, and press him into the floor with your weight and will power. No dancing allowed when you’ve been driven to the ground. Austin struggles to get back to his feet where he’s most comfortable, but Ethan knows to keep his enemies close. Even so, Austin manages to get back to his feet, his almost transparent white speedos already showing signs of sweat from strain.
It’s Ethan who secures the first tap, but it doesn’t come quickly or easily, and both men look pretty messed up from the effort. As the battle rages on, sweat courses down muscular backs, chests, necks, and weighs down Ethan’s boyish hair. You can almost smell the tension between these manly fighters as their tactics become progressively rougher and more painful! Fair warning: You will be mindblown by the final number of taps at the conclusion of this match!
Total Runtime: 20 minutes, 59 seconds