Guido Genatto vs. Zach Reno (Sleepers)


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Zach Reno is spouting off at the mouth proclaiming that Guido has gone soft and that he is going to “beat his ass.” Guido struts and swaggers into the ring, but even seeing the 225 pound Italian doesn’t stop him from running his mouth. He boasts that he’s going to take powerhouse in a Best of 5 match. 

Zach shows off his agility, athleticism and quickness in the opening moments of the match. Arm drags, drop kicks and flying leapfrogs dazzle the larger foe. A high-cross body block off the ropes from Reno takes his opponent to the mat. Perhaps, Guido has gone soft. 

But you and I know that can’t be true. We’ve seen too many Guido matches where he expresses unbridled dominance over his opponents. He leaves the fancy holds and goes back to the basics. Sleeper holds and leg locks. Body scissors, figure fours and cobra clutches show Zach that he hasn’t gone soft and that he’s made a big mistake by making such a claim. 

Reno and Genatto are dripping sweat as their bodies glisten from the onslaught that’s been dished out. Devastating piledrivers and neck breakers annilihate the lightweight pro wrestler. Guido has re-found himself and is oozing with machismo and sex appeal. 

Guido dumps Zach to the floor to humiliate him a bit more before deciding he’s proved his point.

Total Run-time: 29 minutes

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