Ethan Andrews vs. Calvin Rogers
Ethan Andrews (5'11", 165 lbs, Wisconsin)
Calvin Rogers (5'11", 180 lbs, Pennsylvania)
Total Run-time: 21 minutes, 36 seconds
Calvin Rogers is a force to be reckoned with on the mats. Who better to pair him with than flexible Ethan Andrews? Here are two very skilled grapplers, each one feeling the other out before going hard. Ethan rolls Calvin around on the mat, locks him up between his thighs, and labors to keep him down by controlling his shoulders. But Calvin is recording Ethan’s every move, waiting until he’s ready to turn around and use what he’s learned against the seasoned heel.
Ethan school-boy pins Calvin, only to find himself being driven into the mat by the newbie. Soon both men are groaning, rolling, sweating, and gasping. Ethan even gazes into the camera as if to say “this is hard,” only to throw his head back in exhaustion. Calvin’s not done yet, and these two gentlemen exemplify true NHB fighting.